COP 26 2021
produce angajamente.
Primul important angajament este stoparea
defrisarilor pana in 2030.
Acest angajamemt
a fost semnat de peste 100 de lideri din cele 200 tari participante.
Important este
ca au semnat tari ca Rusia, Brazilia, Canada si Indonezia, ce impreuna au in
posesie mai mult de 85% din padurea mondiala.
Omenirea are insa
memoria buna si isi aminteste ca angajamente au fost luate si la conferinta din
2015 de la Paris. Ce rezultate a avut
acea conferinta? Angajamente ce au ramas
pe hartie.
Acum suntem deja
cu un picior in prapastie, este nevoie
de actiuni.
Daca lasam totul doar in seama politicienilor cauza
defrisarilor este pierduta pentru intreaga omenire. Este necesara
implicarea tuturor cetatenilor planetei
in aceasta lupta.
In acest timp
noi, romanii, ce facem? Nu suntem in stare nici sa ne vaccinam, desi am umplut
morgile spitalelor. Procentul de vaccinare este de vreo 32%. Noi suntem in asa
hal de primitivi incat nici macar nu putem intelege ce inseamna schimbarile
climatice si rolul direct nefast al defrisarilor. Singura preocupare actuala,
reflectata in criza politica produsa de Florin Catu si Johannis Klaus, este
impartirea banilor in gasca, dupa metoda inventata si pusa in practica de puscariasul
Il invit pe presedintele “de la Romanica” sa faca o vizita, dupa Piramide si ars gazul de pomana la Glasgow, in Muntii Fagaras, pe Valea Rea, ca exemplu, sa vada cum arata defrisarea.
The first important commitment is to stop
deforestation by 2030.
This commitment
was signed by over 100 leaders from the 200 participating countries.
they have signed countries like Russia, Brazil, Canada and Indonesia, which
together own more than 85% of the world's forest.
But humanity has
a good memory and remembers that commitments were made at the 2015 conference in Paris. What were the
results of that conference? Commitments
left on paper.
Now we are
already with one foot in the abyss, we
need action.
If we leave everything to politicians, the cause of
deforestation is lost for all mankind. It is necessary to involve all the
citizens of the planet in this fight.
During this time, we Romanians, what do we do? We are not even able to get vaccinated, although we have filled the morgues of hospitals. The vaccination rate is about 32%. We are so primitive that we cannot even understand what climate change and the direct detrimental role of deforestation means. The only current concern, reflected in the political crisis produced by Florin Catu and Johannis Klaus, is the distribution of money in the gang, according to the method invented and put into practice by the convicted Dragnea.
Despre COP 26
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